
Improving Democracy by lot 

 Why lot? How sortition  could help representative democracy 

 M. Caserta, A. Pluchino, A.Rapisarda, S.Spagano,  Physica A 565 (2021) 125430

In this paper we present a new analytical model of a Parliament and investigate the beneficial effects of the selection of legislators by lot in order to reduce some of the drawbacks of modern representative democracies. Resorting to sortition for the selection of public officers used to be in the past a popular way of taming factionalism in public affairs. Factionalism is assumed to be detrimental since public officers tend to favour their own faction instead of pursuing the general interest. In this respect our mathematical model shows in a rigorous way how it is possible to improve the efficiency of a Parliament by introducing the use of sortition to select part of its members. It will be shown that, starting from a Parliament working with two parties (or coalitions), where the costs of representative democracy are quite apparent through the detrimental effects of party discipline, one can beneficially move towards a Parliament where independent, randomly selected legislators sit alongside elected members. In particular, we show that increasing the number of independent legislators up to a critical point enhances the efficiency of the Parliament and puts into check the factionalism likely to arise from party discipline.

Accidental Politicians: How Randomly Selected Legislators Can Improve Parliament Efficiency

A.Pluchino, C.Garofalo, A.Rapisarda, S.Spagano, M.Caserta , Physica A 390 (2011) 3944-3954


In ancient Greece, the cradle of democracy, governing bodies were largely selected by lot. The aim of this device was to avoid typical degenerations of any representative institution. In modern democracies, however, the standard is choosing representatives by vote through the Party system. Debate over efficiency of Parliament has therefore been centred on voting systems, on their impact on parliamentary performances and, ultimately, on the efficiency of economic system. In this paper, rediscovering the old Greek wisdom and recalling a famous diagram about human nature by C.M.Cipolla, we show how the injection of a measure of randomness improves the efficiency of a parliamentary institution. In particular, we develop an agent based model of a prototypical Parliament and find an analytical expression, whose predictions are confirmed by the simulations, that determines the exact number of randomly selected legislators, in an otherwise elected parliament, required to optimize its aggregate performance (number of approved acts times average social gain) after that free elections would have established the relative percentage of the two Parties or Coalitions. This result is also in line with the recent discovery that, under certain conditions, the adoption of random promotion strategies improves the efficiency of a human hierarchical organization. ....

L'efficienza del caso, Le Scienze Gennaio 2013 

"Democrazia a Sorte.  Ovvero la sorte della democrazia"  (2012) Malcor D' Edizione 


Democrazia a Sorte.  Quali scenari possibili?

Montecitorio, Roma (21/07/2016) 

Citizens' Assembly: un nuovo strumento di democrazia partecipativa

Camera dei Deputati, Roma (15/07/2019)


Interviews and press releases 
For more news see also the web site

- Visionaire Berichten (Netherlands 10/03/2011) "Random politici verbeteren democratie" 

- Galileo. Giornale di Scienza Online (Italy, 11/03/2011) "Scienza made in Italy" 

- 20minutes - Politique (France, 11/03/2011) "Tirer au sort des hommes politiques, plus efficace que de voter?" 

- Neo Fronteras (Espana, 11/03/2011) "Legisladores aleatorios y eficacia" 

- Green Mass Group (USA, 12/03/2011) "Scientists propose randomly selecting certain fraction of legislators" 

- (Espana, 13/03/2011) "La democracia mejora con parlamentarios elegidos al azar" 

- (USA, 14/03/2011) "Randomly selected politicians" 

- Equality by Lot: the Blog of the Kleroterians (USA, 16/03/2011) 

- ABC News (USA 18/03/2011) "Random selection could 'improve democracy' " 

- ABC Sydney (Australia 18/03/2011) "Random selection could 'improve democracy' " 

- TopNews (USA 18/03/2011) "Research says randomness could 'improve democracy' " 

- IndiaTalkies: News at Your Tips (India 18/03/2011) "Research says randomness could 'improve democracy' " 

- (Poland 22/03/2011) "Naukowcy: losowanie bardziej sprzyja demokracji niz wybory" 

- (Russia 22/03/2011) "How to make the parliament work more efficient" 

- Discovery News (USA 25/03/2011) "Randomly selected leaders may make politics more efficient" 

- Science on MSNBC (USA 28/03/2011) "Can randomly selected leaders improve politics?" 

- Step1 - Intervista (Italia 21/04/2011) "Quelli dell'IG-Nobel la buttano in politica" 

- NWT-Magazine (Netherlands 05/2011) "‘Willekeurig gekozen kamerleden goed voor politiek’" 

- D&Democrazy (Spain 05/05/2011) "‘Can randomness improve democrazy?" 

- The NonProfit Quarterly (USA 11/05/2011) "Would randomly-selected politicians improve democracy?" 

- Edward Willet Blog (Canada 21/05/2011) "The case for accidental politicians" 

- ISGTW (CERN, Ginevra 25/05/2011) "The Good, the Bad and the Random" 

- To Bhma (Greece 29/05/2011) "Klerotoi ste Boulè" 

- (USA 23/06/2011) "‘If We Chose Our Politicians at Random, Would it Improve Democracy?" 

- Pour la (France Sept. 2011) "Hasard et Efficacité" 

- TheGuardian (UK April 2012) "Improbable Research: the laws of human stupidity" of Marc Abrahams 

- TheGuardian (UK 16/04/12) "Why random selection of MPs may be best" of Marc Abrahams 

- Washington Post (USA 17/04/12) "Best way to pick legislators? At random." of Sarah Kliff 

- BBC Radio 4: Material World (UK 19/04/12) Interview to Andrea Rapisarda on Random Selection of Politicians 

- Interactive Democracy (20/04/12) "Randomness could improve democracy" 

- As Milésoume Epitélous (Greek 20/04/12) "Klerotè Demokratìa" 

- PaperBlog (Italia 22/04/12) "La lotteria della Democrazia" 

- Annals of Improbable Research (USA May-June 2012) "Randomness vs. Stupidity" 

- 05/03/2013: "El efecto Dunning-Kruger y el Partito Lotteria" di Ignacio Oliveras su El Huffington Post (Spain) 

- 28/03/2013: "In Praise of Random Promotions: Reflections on Diplomacy" by Aldo Matteucci - Deepdip.wordpress 

- 26/04/2013: "Le hasard, avenir de la démocratie" on AgoraVox, Le média citoyen (France) 

- 22/05/2013: "El sorteo de cargos públicos: un método para mejorar la democracia" di Sebastián Linares (Spagna) 

- 02/09/2013: "Random legislators" on "The primitive Thinking" blog

- 11/07/2014: "Democrazia a sorte: perchè no?" - Presentazione del libro a Modica (RG) su Youtube - 29/05/2014: Una cura per la nostra democrazia malata: può il sorteggio rivitalizzare il processo democratico? (di A.Pluchino e A.Rapisarda) 

- 15/06/2014: Dagli autori di “DEMOCRAZIA A SORTE”: Può il sorteggio rivitalizzare il processo democratico? su INTERNAUTA ONLINE 
- 01/05/2015: "Come ha funzionato davvero la democrazia liquida dei Pirati tedeschi" di Fabio Chiusi su WIRED.IT 
- 02/11/2015: "Un parlamento estratto a sorte sarebbe incorruttibile" di Timo Rieg su SWISSINFO.CH 
- 07/05/2016: "La sorte della democrazia" di Lorenzo Guadagnucci sui Blog di MICROMEGA 
- 07/11/2017: "Se alle elezioni (siciliane) trionfa l’astensione, troviamo un’alternativa alla democrazia rappresentativa" di Renzo Rosso sul Blog del Fattoquotidiano 

- 27/06/2018: "Il più grande inganno della Politica: farci credere che servano i politici" di Beppe Grillo sul suo Blog 

- 28/06/2018: "Prima di Grillo, alle cariche a sorteggio ci avevano pensato 9 deputati di sinistra" sul sito di AGI Politica 

- 03/07/2018: "Mettere persone a caso in Parlamento migliorerebbe la politica, dice la statistica" sul sito di Motherboard Italia 

- 03/07/2018: "Democrazia a sorte: quali scenari possibili?" di Gianluca Vacca, su "Nomos le attualità nel diritto" e sul Blog di Beppe Grillo 

- 27/07/2018: "Grillo: «Referendum sull’euro. La democrazia è superata, meglio un’estrazione casuale»" di Paolo Decrestina, sul   

- 06/08/2018: "Le regole del sorteggio e quelle della formazione politica" by Maurizio Caserta e Aldo Premoli, Huffington Post 

- 17/03/2019: Convegno: "Democrazia Aleatoria: cos'è e come funziona?" by Dal DIre al Fare, Noi (Napoli) 

- 15/07/2019: Convegno: "Citizen Assemby: un nuovo strumento di democrazia partecipativa" by Dal Dire al Fare, Noi, (Camera dei Deputati, Roma) 

- 15/07/2019: "Democrazia partecipativa, Cappato e Staderini: Anche in Italia citizens' assembly su legge elettorale e ambiente" (Il Fatto Quotidiano)